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Thursday 8 August 2024

How do organism reproduce class-8th CBSE /ICSE Notes

how do organism reproduce
How do organism reproduce

Reproduction in Living Organisms

Reproduction is a biological process through which new organisms are produced from their parents. It ensures the continuity of species.

Types of Reproduction

  1. Asexual Reproduction: Involves a single parent and produces offspring that are genetically identical to the parent.
  2. Sexual Reproduction: Involves two parents and the combination of their genetic material to produce genetically diverse offspring.

Asexual Reproduction in Plants

  1. Vegetative Propagation: New plants grow from the parts of the parent plant like roots, stems, or leaves.
  2. Budding: A new organism grows out of the body of the parent organism.
  3. Fragmentation: The parent organism splits into two or more fragments, each of which grows into a new organism.
  4. Spore Formation: Spores are produced by the parent plant and develop into a new plant under favorable conditions.

Sexual Reproduction in Plants

  1. Pollination: Transfer of pollen from the male part to the female part of the flower.
  2. Fertilization: Fusion of male and female gametes to form a zygote, which develops into a new plant.

Reproduction in Animals

  1. Asexual Reproduction: Includes methods like budding, fragmentation, and regeneration.
  2. Sexual Reproduction: Involves the production of gametes (sperms and eggs) and their fusion to form a zygote.
Reproduction in Plants and Animals

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